What will I learn during my Hypnobirthing course?
• Breathing exercises
• Deep relaxations
• Visualisations
• Very effective work to release fear and build confidence
• Comforting massage
• How the father can be your powerful protector and support
• How your body is designed to give birth with efficiency and comfort
• Knowledge and information about pregnancy and birth that you are unlikely to be told anywhere else
• How ‘the system’ that you find yourself in works, and how to work with it to achieve the best result for you
• A simple practice regime to support you at home
• Understanding how the mind and body work together
Learn about the five Cs of hypnobirthing:
Confidence: When you feel confident, you relax and work with your body in the way nature intended.
Control: With the knowledge you have, you are enabled to take control of how you give birth.
Choice: When you feel in control, the choices you make are the best choices for you and for your baby.
Calm: When you feel calm throughout the birth you are relaxed and your mind and body work together in harmony.
Comfort: The result is that your body works efficiently and comfortably. A Maternity Works Hypnobirthing birth can be the most
wonderful and empowering experience of your life.
What course materials am I given?
Before the course you will be sent Hypnobirthing relaxation tracks so you can start to practice and develop a positive outlook on pregnancy and birth straight away.
At the course you will be given The Hypnobirthing Book and a folder of handouts to support you during the rest of your pregnancy and the birth of your baby.
Does the father need to come to Hypnobirthing too?
He doesn’t, but he will be very glad if he did. Most fathers arrive at the course utterly sceptical and leave extremely enthusiastic. We don’t expect you to believe in it. Why should you? We do ask you to listen to the facts and the logic so you understand how important
it is and the difference you as a father or birth companion can make. Have a look at the birth reports from fathers, and you can benefit from their experience.
The caricature of a father at a birth is someone who is nervous, feeling responsible for the situation the mother is in, holding her hand
and wishing he could help, but not knowing what to do.
A hypnobirthing father is knowledgeable and able to support her as she gives birth. He is a huge asset in the birthing room, and many mothers say, ‘I couldn’t have done it without him.’ They have practised together before the birth which brings them closer together,
and he knows he has played an important part in how his baby enters the world. This deepens their relationship as a couple, and his relationship with his child.
And after the course – what then?
I am always there for you. Please call or email if you feel stressed, are put under pressure, or if I can help in any way.
When should I start my Hypnobirthing course?
Given the choice, I would advise doing the course in the second trimester of your pregnancy so you can enjoy the benefits during your pregnancy as well as at the birth of your baby. It is not so much a matter of learning facts, so they are fresh in your mind, but more a matter of absorbing the information so that it becomes second nature but doing the course whenever you feel is right helps anyway.
If you do the course earlier, you get the benefits of the course, my knowledge and support during your pregnancy as well as at the
birth of your baby.
Can I do a Hypnobirthing course if I am envisaging to have a c-section?
Of course, Hypnobirthing will help you and your birth partner to manage any situation, optimise the birth of your baby and most importantly making you feel empowered and proud of the choices you want to make.
What if I have my baby before the end of the course?
The only cases in which the courses fees may be refunded is in the unfortunate case of you losing your baby or going into labour
before the course has either started or is fully completed. In the case in which classes have started, you go into labour or give birth
and time is still due by Maternity Works, the refund will be pro rata of the lessons already taken and remaining.
Is naturopathy compatible with conventional medicine?
Absolutely! I work alongside health professionals from all backgrounds and in no circumstances are my practices detrimental or obstructive to conventional medicine. I work collegiately and holistically.
Do I need to see a naturopath all the time?
No you don’t, it really depends on your ailments and the changes you want to make. A naturopath is a teacher, giving the tools to take care of your own health independently once we’ve established the protocol. It’s nice to have a check up once or twice a year to
monitor your progress or when there is something wrong.